Family Law Team lead the way with legal training


Pinney Talfourd’s Family Team arranged for three outstanding barristers from Tanfield Chambers to present a seminar to local solicitors. On Wednesday 1 July, Pinney Talfourd’s Family Law Team held a seminar which included talks from three outstanding barristers from Tanfield Chambers, London to help strengthen ties between family law professionals.

Legal Topics

Olivia Murphy, barrister, opened with an analytical and pithy update on the law relating to maintenance. Often the fear of many clients, maintenance – the ongoing payment of money each month to an ex spouse – is not always appropriate. The decision whether to pursue or defend a claim for maintenance takes into account a plethora of considerations and choices. The alternative – a Clean Break – often encouraged by many, may represent financial freedom from an ex spouse but can be a dangerous one-way path to tread. Very careful consideration of all the facts in a case is the key to the correct decision and calculation of maintenance.

Gwyn Evans, barrister, tackled what is a vast topic but one not regularly encountered by some practitioners. 3rd party rights is a consideration in cases in which there are extended families, family businesses and properties owned prior to the marriage or civil partnership. When a couple divorce, what happens if a third party has an interest in the property? How is their share to be dealt with if one spouse seeks sale or transfer? Pinney Talfourd’s Family Team occasionally encounter this consideration and it is essential to ensure that the whole case is dealt with thoroughly and appropriately.

Catriona MacLaren, barrister, updated the group with developments in Nuptial Agreements. Since the case of Radmacher v Granatino there has been much press on the subject of Pre Nuptial Agreements, both domestic and with an international element. The law deals also with Post Nuptial Agreements and Separation Agreements. All seek to create an effective contract between a couple to clarify what they wish to achieve. In essence they are designed to avoid the natural application of the law in dividing assets on divorce. This is an ever developing field and there are pitfalls that can render an Agreement useless. Careful, timely advice and consideration of the details, as well as thought to the future, are essential.

Building legal relations

Not only was the event a resounding success in terms of expertise imparted but also an invaluable opportunity for the Pinney Talfourd Family Team to strengthen its working relationships with other regional firms. The highly sensitive and emotive nature of Family Law means that trust between solicitors representing different parties in the same case, is invaluable.

Pinney Talfourd’s Family Team is always focused on developing links that will benefit our clients and this event was a perfect opportunity to do so.

Find out more about our team

Our Family Law Team prides themselves on staying at the forefront of their industry. If you would like to find out more about any member of the team and their credentials please visit our Family Law page or contact them on 01708 229 444.


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