Spotlight on Catherine Polli


We find out why Head of Family Law and Client Services, Catherine Polli, joined the profession and why she still loves her job.

What made you decide to become a solicitor?

I spent 7 years at the London Bar as a family specialist but became disillusioned with cuts to funding and fancied doing something different. I had been instructed by a solicitor who then approached me to join his firm and head the family team. I’ve never looked back.

Why did you choose family law?

I love the mix it involves. I have a significant amount of contact with my clients which I really enjoy. When a case finishes it seems strange not to speak to that client each week but it’s good to keep in touch afterwards and see how their life has changed, hopefully for the better. 

I also really enjoy financial provision work. Many of my cases involve significant assets, tax issues, company valuations and assets abroad and I relish this type of forensic work where I think experience and expertise really can make a difference.

What do you like most about your job?

The variety.  I don’t just do client work. I also run marketing, client services and manage my team. No day is ever the same. I work really hard but I usually feel at the end of each day that I’ve achieved quite a lot which makes it all worthwhile.

What is the best thing that has happened to you in the last 12 months?

Undoubtedly recruiting my new P.A. Karen Wall. Karen came from a city firm and fundamentally understands what my clients need and how to support me. I don’t know how I ever managed without her.

To find out more about Catherine and contact her please visit her staff profile page.


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