Pinney Pacers Update


Pinney Pacers are now 2 weeks into their 8-week training schedule for the Brentwood Half Marathon, which they are running in support of Motor Neurone Disease Association.

This weekend saw some of the team participate in a 10k race at the Queen Elizabeth Park in Stratford as part of their preparation, and their next planned session together is a more arduous 16k run on the first weekend in March.

The Pinney Pacers are already raising funds for the MNDA, with a current running total of £295 – their aspiration is to raise £1,000 for the charity of the year, who fund care, campaigning and research to achieve a world free from Motor Neurone Disease. MND is the name given to a group of diseases affecting the motor neurones (nerve cells) in the brain and spinal cord. As the motor neurones gradually die, the muscles stop working.

MND affects around 5,000 people in the UK at any one time, and there is no known cure. Degeneration of the motor neurones leads to wasting and weakness of the muscles, causing increasing loss of mobility and difficulties with speech, swallowing and breathing.


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