Christmas Shoe Box Appeal


Staff at Pinney Talfourd supported Samaritans Purse in their efforts to bring joy and gifts to children around the world who might not receive a toy on Christmas day.

One of the delights of Christmas time is seeing a child’s face light up when they receive a gift that they have been really wishing for. Pinney Talfourd share this ethos and every year they invite the children and grandchildren of all staff members to a Christmas party. The boardroom becomes a festive party room and they even build a grotto so that each child can meet Santa and receive a special gift.    

In many parts of the world Christmas is just another day for some children less fortunate than ours so this year many members of staff at Pinney Talfourd decided to support the work of Samaritans Purse in their efforts to bring joy and gifts to children aged 2 – 14 around the world who might otherwise not receive a present on Christmas day.  Pinney Talfourd staff members filled 50 boxes with a variety of toys, games, stuffed animals, crayons, colouring books and practical items and the firms’ charity committee donated the shipping fees for all 50 boxes. 

Keeley Miller has taken part in this charitable campaign for many years, Keeley Miller said “I’ll expect that everyone who took part will be thinking of those 50 children on Christmas day, receiving their gift boxes with smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts”

Everyone here at Pinney Talfourd would like to wish all children everywhere (and grown ups who are just big kids really) a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

This article was written by Keeley Miller in our Commercial Property Department at Pinney Talfourd Solicitors. 


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